• Development of a high-quality and up-to-date business website with solutions that follow market requirements and enable better presentation of the company and its services
• Responsive web solution that provides easily accessible information to potential customers enhanced by the application of online marketing solutions;
• Adjustment of the web sites for people with disabilities using easy-to-read and comprehensible contents
• Web site with useful contents, intelligent integration and access to the contents and various information
• Improved communication and collaboration with customers
• Quick and easy modification and maintenance of contents on the website
• A quality, modern and responsive web solution has been implemented to provide visitors with up-to-date and easily accessible information; time and resources saving in communication with potential clients is enabled; better communication with the public is enabled so as the better informing, better and faster presentation of the company on the Internet and two-way communication with website visitors
• Domain optimization service (virtual market positioning, customer profiling and searching trends, web analytics)
• Web hosting service for the purpose of carrying out the activities for a period of 12 months from the date of service delivery