Collaboration and availability of program tools for text processing (Word), spreadsheets (Excel), presentations (Powerpoint) and advanced functionality of the Exchange server and SharePoint comprise the backbone of the cloud solution developed by Microsoft entitled Office 365.
The basic premise of the Office 365 service is the ability to adjust to teams of different sizes and their needs for office tools and safe and stable communication via email, document sharing, group work on projects and access to resources from any location and from any device (computer or mobile device).
The tool most commonly used in the Office 365 service is the email service which is based on the Exchange technology, and uses Outlook or a web interface that simulates the appearance and complete functionality of Outlook as an access tool.
The greatest advantage of the Office 365 service are extremely high business savings made by smaller investments in servers (CAPEX), maintenance and licenses for software (OPEX). Considering how all of the office tools are available via a web browser and the data is located on the cloud, the end user needs a standard office computer to access the tools.